Pet Friendly Park Search Platform

A platform for finding pet-friendly parks and sharing experiences with like-minded pet people.

This project is currently undergoing a tech stack transformation form React, Express, and PostgreSQL to Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL.




  • Stack
    • Frontend: React, JavaScript, Leaflet.js, HTML, CSS
    • Backend: Ubuntu, Docker, Nginx, Express.js, PostgreSQL
    • Mapping: Leaflet.js
  • Deployment
    • Docker containers separately hosting Node.js backend server and Postgres database server.
    • Nginx reverse proxy and static file serving
  • Platform
    • Search, favorite, rate or review pet friendly parks
    • Look up a park on the map by geographical coordinates or a keyword
    • Results are paginated and can be sorted and filtered
    • Users can create accounts, set pet profiles and interact
search platform for pet-friendly parks
Made by Yan Liang