Sandbox of Programming Exercises

A learning space where a series of programming exercises progress from a command-line interface to a web-based interface, transitioning from Node.js to Angular.





This application was developed using Angular and leverages its components, modules, and services to present a series of coding challenges.

Configure routing module and service provider

The app router is loaded and set in a separate, top-level module in Angular. A shared project service is implemented to provide project information to all components within the application.

imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

Below of(PROJECTS) returns an Observable<Project[]> to simulate getting data from the server with RxJ

providedIn: 'root'
export class ProjectService {
getProjects(): Observable<Project[]> {
   return of(PROJECTS);

Layout with CSS grid

Set the grid placement using the grid-column and grid-row properties to specify a grid item’s size and location within a grid column and a grid row respectively.

display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(4,1fr);
grid-template-rows: repeat(8,1fr);
grid-gap: 36px;

grid columns and rows

Toggle light and dark modes

Switch the styles and colors by applying .dark and .light classes on elements. The mode preference is stored in local storage.

light and dark modes

modes: string[] = ['dark', 'light'];
mode: string | undefined;
ngOnInit() {
   this.currentMode = localStorage.getItem('mode') ? localStorage.getItem('mode') : null;
   this.mode = this.currentMode ? this.currentMode : this.modes[1];
toggleMode() {
   if (this.mode == this.modes[0]) {
      this.mode = this.modes[1];
      localStorage.setItem('mode', 'light');
   } else {
      this.mode = this.modes[0];
      localStorage.setItem('mode', 'dark');


Percolation Simulate

A script that uses the quick union algorithm to simulate percolation of a grid system by randomly opening up a block until the top connects to the bottom.

Here is the code: percolation.js.

percolation simulate

Below is the implementation of quick union with root() and union() functions

root(label) {
   while (label != this._relation[label]) {
      label = this._relation[label];
   return label;

union(labelA, labelB) {
   let rootA = this.root(labelA);
   let rootB = this.root(labelB);

   if (rootA == 'up' && rootB == 'dn') {
      this.connected = true;
   } else if (rootB == 'up' && rootA == 'dn') {
      this.connected = true;
   } else if (rootA == 'up' || rootA == 'dn') {
      this._relation[labelB] = rootA;
   } else if (rootB == 'up' || rootB == 'dn') {
      this._relation[labelA] = rootB;
   } else {
      this._relation[labelA] = this.root(labelB);

Reading Level

Analyze reading material and determine the approximate grade level required for comprehension using the Coleman-Liau index.

Here is the code: readability.js.

reading level

Below is the Coleman-Liau index implementation with CLI=0.0588L-0.296S-15.8 formula

let avgLetters = (numLetters(text) * 100) / numWords(text);
let avgSentences = (numSentences(text) * 100) / numWords(text);
let indexGrade = 0.0588 * avgLetters - 0.296 * avgSentences - 15.8;

Signature Generator

A tool to create an email signature that includes name, contact information, and social media links.

signature generator

Substitution Cipher

A key, either numeric or alphabetical, is utilized to encrypt messages in a reversible manner.

Here is the code: substitution.js.

substitution cipher

  • Encrypt
resultArray =
   item => {
      if (item >= 'a' && item <= 'z') {
         return item = key[ALPHABET.indexOf(item)];
      } else if (item >= 'A' && item <= 'Z') {
         return item = key[ALPHABET.indexOf(item.toLowerCase())].toUpperCase(); // .toUpperCase() Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of undefined - because no return
      } else {
         return item;
  • Decipher
resultArray =
   item => {
      if (item >= 'a' && item <= 'z') {
         return item = ALPHABET[key.indexOf(item)];
      } else if (item >= 'A' && item <= 'Z') {
         return item = ALPHABET[key.indexOf(item.toLowerCase())].toUpperCase();
      } else {
         return item;


This page serves as a record of the lessons learned and skills developed while working on these projects. It is hoped that this collection will continue to grow as the journey in programming continues.

sandbox of programming
Made by Yan Liang